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Frena Sp. z o.o. S.K.A.
NIP: 677 235 22 97
Mon — Fri
08:00 — 16:00
Radziwiłłowska 29 lok. 7
31—026 Kraków
„The Heron,” as the building at Rakowicka 14 is called, represents the architectural style known as Kraków Modernism. A double-unit structure erected back in the 1930s, thoroughly refurbed and expanded by Frena, it now serves modern-day needs comprehensively while retaining the unmistakable charm.
In the backyard, the glazed shaft of the external lift was placed. An additional, fifth storey was constructed on the front house, designed in harmonious correspondence with neighbouring elevations.
The ground floor is for non-residential use—a practical dimension of an address otherwise located near education, civic, commercial, and convention centres.
Meticulous restoration was applied to the historic interiors, including the broad stairwell in particular. Art Deco shines inside: floor and wall coverings, in terrazzo, were renewed, as was every single brass-made or chrome-plated decorative element.
Putting the final touch, we commissioned a high-relief emblem for the entrance—with birds and aviation motifs, commemorating independent Poland’s first airfield, which had once stretched across the plot.
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